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Visual Inspection System for Welded Beads of Automotive Panel
Osamu Ozeki,* Kouichi Kogure,** Hiroyuki Onouchi,** Hideo Abe** Kazunori Higuchi* and Shin Yamamoto*
*Toyota Central Res. & Develop. Labs., Inc., Nagakute-cho, Aichi 480-11, Japan
**Kanto Auto Works, Ltd., Taura-minato-machi, Yokosuka, Kanagawa 237, Japan
Received:November 25, 1992Accepted:December 5, 1992Published:April 20, 1993
Keywords:Visual inspection, Welded point, Automotive panel, 3-D vision sensor
A 3-D vision sensor and a visual inspection system for welded beads of automotive panels using this sensor have been developed. The items to be inspected are the depth, width, flushness, and inclination angle of the welded point. The 3-D vision sensor detects the section line of the welded bead using slit light method in real time, and the inspection system calculates the four inspection items from the section line. The measurement accuracy levels of this system are ±0.02mm for the depth and flushness, ±0.01mm for the width, and ±7 deg. for the inclination angle. Moreover, the system is able to inspect a single welded bead in 150ms. This system has been used particularly in an automotive factory.
Cite this article as:O. Ozeki, K. Kogure, H. Onouchi, H. Higuchi, and S. Yamamoto, “Visual Inspection System for Welded Beads of Automotive Panel,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.5 No.2, pp. 112-116, 1993.Data files: