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Analysis of Recognition Processes by Measurement of Brain Waves and Temperature Distributions
Hideto Ide and Masafumi Uchida
Faculty of Engineering, Aoyama Gakuin University, 16-1 Chitosedai 6-chome, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157, Japan
Received:December 21, 1991Accepted:January 12, 1992Published:February 20, 1992
In the past, in study of the evoked brain wave, the averaging was the most general method for analysis of signal components in brain wave. Specially, the averaging was applied for several evoked brain waves on the process of recognition to the stimulation, i.e. P300. However, any information for the averaging. The averaging is difficult to evaluate the evoked brain wave because of it's characteristics. In this study, it was the purpose to reveal the frequency range, the latency and the acyive parts of brain by following two method. 1) frequency and statistic analysis of evoked brain wave 2) measurement of temperature distribution on the surface of the head. The experiment for the measurement of the evoked brain wave was applied to fifteen men whose age were from 22 to 25. After frequency and statistic analysis, and waves were obtained at about 300ms latency. This result is as same as the averaging's result. From the temperature measurement, it was considered that the recognition to the stimulation was performed at the parietal lobe.
Cite this article as:H. Ide and M. Uchida, “Analysis of Recognition Processes by Measurement of Brain Waves and Temperature Distributions,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.4 No.1, pp. 63-69, 1992.Data files: