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Analysis of Hand-Arm Coordinate Motion on Constraint Tasks
Shigeki Sugano, Hideyo Namimoto and Ichiro Kato
Waseda University, School of Science and Engineering, 1-6-1 Nishi-waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160, Japan
Received:January 1, 1970Accepted:November 10, 1991Published:December 20, 1991
This research was conducted to study the control strategy of manipulator based on clarifying the force control mechanism of the human hand-arm by analyzing human constraint tasks with respect to biomechanism. In this paper; we describe an investigation of hand-arm function share. In addition, we apply hand-arm coordination to manipulator control using experimental results of analyzing the human tasks of moving bead balls on a shaft, which is an example of a constraint task with one degree of freedom (d.o.f.). In the human motion analysis, 6 axes of force on the task object are measured and compared in the case of constraining the hands degree of freedom and making hand free as well as in the case of with or without forced displacement along the translational direction during motion. As a result, we found that human work was performed smoothly through absorption of rotational force using hand d.o.f. and translational force using arm d.o.f. Also, it was found that there are the direction of motion and the posture easily absorbable translational force. Finally, we propose to apply the human hand-arm coordination compliance control strategy setting translational compliance by arms and rotational compliance by hands, to manipulator with more than 7 degrees of freedom. Thus, the setting of optional compliance applicable to circumstance and the resulting force control due to this become possible.
Cite this article as:S. Sugano, H. Namimoto, and I. Kato, “Analysis of Hand-Arm Coordinate Motion on Constraint Tasks,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.3 No.6, pp. 497-505, 1991.Data files: