
JRM Vol.3 No.4 pp. 314-319
doi: 10.20965/jrm.1991.p0314


Optimum Design Method for Sub-Reed of an Ultrasonic Motor

Seiji Aoyagi, Yoshitugu Kamiya and Sakiichi Okabe

Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University, 2-40-20, Kotateno, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920, Japan

June 10, 1991
July 10, 1991
August 20, 1991
Ultrasonic motor, Sub-reed, Basic disc, Elastic vibration analysis, Finite element analysis, Resonant frequency, Rotational speed
In order to increase the rotational speed of an ultrasonic motor using a flexural traveling wave, slits made on the surface of the stator are very effective. In this paper the projections made by the slits are called "sub-reeds" for convenience. Though the sub-reeds play important roles in an ultrasonic motor, their dimensions are generally decided through trial and error. This paper presents the optimum design method of a sub-reed by using elastic vibration analysis. This method calculates the dimensions of the sub-reed of which resonant frequency is same as that of the basic disc. This paper also shows that the resonance of the sub-reed mainly causes the magnification of the amplitude by using finite element analysis. The optimum design method and the mechanism of the magnification mentioned above are confirmed by experiments.
Cite this article as:
S. Aoyagi, Y. Kamiya, and S. Okabe, “Optimum Design Method for Sub-Reed of an Ultrasonic Motor,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.3 No.4, pp. 314-319, 1991.
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