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Position and Force Control of Micromanipulatorwith Six Degrees of Freedom Using Piezoelectric Actuators
Toshio Fukuda*, Motohiro Fujiyoshi**, Fumihito Arai* and Hideo Matsuura*
* Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya University
** Graduate School, Nagoya University 1, Furo-cho Chikusa-ku Nagoya 464-01, Japan
Published:February 20, 1991
Keywords:Robotics, Micromanipulator, Position and force control, Fuzzylike variable gain feedback system, Multiple degrees of micromanipulator, 6 D.O.F, PZT actuator
This paper deals with the mechanism and control of a micromanipulator with six degrees of freedom (6 D.O.F.) aimed at applications in biotechnology and microsurgery. Since operations in these fields develop rapidly and are complicated, a dexterous micromanipulation system has long been desired. This paper proposes a 6 D.O.F micromanipulator to make such work easier. The manipulator has the following features: (1) The manipulator has 6 D.O.F. The tip of this manipulator can move along three axes, and also can rotate along each axis. (2) This micromanipulator is very small and light, since it is made of PZT actuators. (3) Since it has a position and force feedback system, it can control desired poses and forces. (4) A variable gain feedback system, similar to a fuzzy system, is employed here, and hence the system performs better than a fixed gain feedback system. These technical merits will make it possible to operate the micromanipulator in much more complicated environments under a microscope.
Cite this article as:T. Fukuda, M. Fujiyoshi, F. Arai, and H. Matsuura, “Position and Force Control of Micromanipulatorwith Six Degrees of Freedom Using Piezoelectric Actuators,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.3 No.1, pp. 34-40, 1991.Data files: