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Development of Mastication Robot WJ-1
Atsuo Takanishi
Mechanical Engineering, School of Science & Engineering, Waseda University, 3-41 Okubo, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169, Japan
Published:October 20, 1989
Keywords:Mastication, Control, Jaw reflexes
The purpose of this study was to establish a dynamic, quantitative engineering model for the mandible movement in man's mastication by reproducing this movement by using a mechanical model and to define the mandible movement controlling mechanism from the viewpoint of engineering. To realize this purpose, WJ (Waseda Jaw)1, a 1 degree of freedom mastication robot, was developed. The following is a description of the mastication robot WJ-1 with reference to man's actual mandible movement.
Cite this article as:A. Takanishi, “Development of Mastication Robot WJ-1,” J. Robot. Mechatron., Vol.1 No.3, pp. 185-191, 1989.Data files: