
JDR Vol.10 No.5 pp. 807-817
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2015.p0807


A Study on Community-Based Reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster – A Case Study of Iwanuma City in Miyagi-Pref.

Mikiko Ishikawa

Department of Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University
1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

June 8, 2015
August 4, 2015
October 1, 2015
Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster, community-based reconstruction, tsunami, community removal project, consensus building system
Community-based reconstruction is the process in which social, environmental and cultural reconstruction of a community is conducted by disaster survivors following a disaster.
The author analyzed the community-based reconstruction process following the Great East Japan Earthquake. The author focuses on Iwanuma, a city in Miyagi Prefecture in which community-based reconstruction was carried out from April 2011 to July 2015, and clarified the characteristics of reconstruction planning which was done based on a collaboration of disaster survivors, local government officials and universities and other organizations. This process was then evaluated for community sustainability.
Results have clarified four stages in reconstruction planning, i.e., grand design, community workshops, consensus building by a formal committee, and new machizukuri (community building) created by the disaster survivors themselves. Consensus building was found to be the essential factor of community-based reconstruction, with each stage having different roles in consensus building.
Cite this article as:
M. Ishikawa, “A Study on Community-Based Reconstruction from Great East Japan Earthquake Disaster – A Case Study of Iwanuma City in Miyagi-Pref.,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.10 No.5, pp. 807-817, 2015.
Data files:
  1. [1] Reconstruction Agency: The existing conditions of the Reconstruction from 2011 earthquake Disaster, March 10, 2015, [accessed July 30, 2015]
  2. [2] Ministry Land, Infrastructure, Transportation and Tourism, Community Removal Project, tobou/g7_1.html [accessed July 30, 2015]
  3. [3] Miyagi Pref.: The Existing Conditions of the reconstruction from 2011 earthquake Disaster, attachment/307527.pdf [accessed July 30, 2015]
  4. [4] Science Council of Japan, 2011 earthquake Task Force: The first emergency recommendation, Regarding the response to the 2011 earthquake, March 25, 2011, kohyo/division-15.html [accessed July 30, 2015]
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  6. [6] Reconstruction Committee in Iwanuma City: The Design of Iwanuma City for 2011 earthquake, entitled “The Reconstruction of Love and Hope,” Aug. 7, 2011, kakuka/kurasi/seikatu/matidukuri/documents/gaiyou.pdf [accessed July 30, 2015]
  7. [7] Iwanuma City: The Master Plan of Iwanuma City for 2011 earthquake, Sept. 27, 2011, kakuka/kurasi/seikatu/matidukuri/documents/master.pdf [accessed July 30, 2015]
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  9. [9] Population of 2005 are cited by a national census taken in Oct. 2005, Population of 2015 are cited by estimate of the population in Feb. 2015, which estimated by a national census taken in Oct. 2010 and population movements, view/outside/s14Tokei/bnyaBtKekka.html?C=B0203&R=I002 [Iwate Pref., accessed May 27, 2015], soshiki/toukei/suikei-top.html [Miyagi Pref., accessed May 27, 2015] [Fukushima Pref., accessed May 27, 2015]

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