A Study on the Practical Ways of Implementing a Street-Wide BCP Exercise in the Banking Industry
Yasutake Sayanagi and Kenji Watanabe
Nagoya Institute of Technology
Gokiso-cho, Showa-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan
- [1] Bank of Japan, “After incident analysis with the Grate East Japan Earthquake of 2011,” 2011, /brp/ron_2011/data/ron110624a.pdf [accessed October 10, 2014].
- [2] Bank of Japan, “Report of the Street-Wide Exercise in the major financial market in abroad,” 2010, brp/ron_2010/data/ron1003c.pdf [accessed October 10, 2014].
- [3] UK FAS, HM Treasury and Bank of England, “Market-wide Exercise 2011 report,” 2011, [accessed October 10, 2014].
- [4] ISO 22398: 2013, Iinternational Organization of Standardization, 2013.
- [5] Bank of Japan, “Tohoku Street-Wide-Exercise,” 2013, https://www [accessed October 10, 2014].
- [6] CBS for Major Banks, etc., “Japan Financial Services Agency,” 2014, [accessed October 10, 2014].
- [7] Japan Financial Services Agency, “CBS for Small and Medium and regional Banks, etc.,” 2014, law/guide/chusho.pdf [accessed October 10, 2014].
- [8] Japan Financial Services Agency, “CBS for Conglomerate of financial companies, etc.,” 2014, law/guide/conglomerate.pdf [accessed October 10, 2014].
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