
JDR Vol.6 No.2 pp. 258-270
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2011.p0258


Participatory Disaster Management Learning Built on the Theory of Legitimate Peripheral Participation

Hideyuki Shiroshita* and Katsuya Yamori**

*Faculty of Safety Science, Kansai University, 7-1 Hakubai-cho, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1098, Japan

**Research Center for Disaster Reduction Systems, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

October 21, 2010
February 5, 2011
April 1, 2011
disaster management education, theory of legitimate peripheral participation, communities of practice, participatory disaster management learning, Manten Project
In some areas in Japan, there have been times when even though it was desirable to evacuate the area in order to prevent or reduce the amount of damage wrought by disaster, the actual evacuation rate was low. The double bind theory has been introduced in this situation, and a new theoretical interpretation has been obtained. However, no specific countermeasures have been presented to overcome the “expert and non-expert” structure shown in the double bind theory to be a problem of disaster management. This paper depends on the “theory of legitimate peripheral participation,” and it aims to build up a model of what the new disaster management education should be to overcome this problem. For the model not to become empty, this paper also introduces the “learning program built on the Manten Project (Perfect-score Project),” which is an example of a new type of participatory disaster management learning program implemented based on the model.
Cite this article as:
H. Shiroshita and K. Yamori, “Participatory Disaster Management Learning Built on the Theory of Legitimate Peripheral Participation,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.6 No.2, pp. 258-270, 2011.
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