
JDR Vol.4 No.3 pp. 246-252
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2009.p0246


High-Rise Building Seismic Vibration Control Using Large Tuned Top-Floor Mass Damper

Akifumi Makino

Building Design Department, Nagoya Branch Office, Takenaka Corporation, 1-18-22 Nishiki, Naka-ku, Nagoya 460-8633, Japan

February 27, 2009
June 12, 2009
June 1, 2009
mass damper, vibration control, seismic isolation, high-rise reinforced concrete building
This paper details the design of a high-rise reinforced concrete building whose top floor is isolated and used as the mass for a large-scale mass damper, describing the effect of the vibration control realized. Conventional mass dampers with additional weight at the building tops have been installed to improve environmental vibration against strong wind. Mass dampers have rarely been used, however, as measure against earthquakes. We developed large-scale vibration control using the top floor building weight to serve as a mass damper. The building is a high-rise reinforced concrete structure, 162 meters high, with 43 above-ground stories. Based on seismic response analysis using artificial earthquake waves, the natural vibration period of the mass damper was tuned to decrease story drift in the entire building. The mass damper reduced maximum story drift angle by 20%.
Cite this article as:
A. Makino, “High-Rise Building Seismic Vibration Control Using Large Tuned Top-Floor Mass Damper,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.4 No.3, pp. 246-252, 2009.
Data files:
  1. [1] M. Takeuchi and M. Yamamoto, “Performance Tests of Oil Damper with Long Stroke and Identification of Compression Rigidity of Damper,”Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan B-2, pp. 621-622, September 2006.
  2. [2] J. Milne, “Experiments in Observation Seismology, Transactions of the Seismological Society of Japan,”Vol.3, pp. 12-64, Jan. to Dec. 1881.
  3. [3] Y. Ishiyama “Criteria for Overturning of Bodies by Earthquake Excitations,”Transaction of A.I.J., No.317, pp. 1-14, July 1982.

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