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Recovery and Reconstruction Calendar
Reo Kimura
Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Kankyo-sougou-kan 413, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi 464-8601, Japan
Received:August 23, 2007Accepted:December 5, 2007Published:December 1, 2007
Keywords:disaster process, life reconstruction process, psychological time, human behavior pattern, random sampled survey
We have developed a recovery and reconstruction calendar for clarifying the process that earthquake victims undergo in rebuilding their shattered lives. We have examined its reliability and stability and considered the generality of the process clarified by the proposed calendar. Concretely, based on results for the calendar in random surveys on the 1995 Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the 2004 Mid-Niigata Prefecture Earthquake, we concluded that (1) the recovery and reconstruction calendar is highly reliable and stable in clarifying the recovery and reconstruction process and (2) generalization can be recognized in this process in time phases after disasters despite differences in disaster size and mode.
Cite this article as:R. Kimura, “Recovery and Reconstruction Calendar,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.2 No.6, pp. 465-474, 2007.Data files: