
JDR Vol.1 No.3 p. 357
doi: 10.20965/jdr.2006.p0357

Short Note:

A Short Note for Dr. Watabe’s Review in 1974

Hiroshi Kuramoto

Associate Professor, Toyohashi University of Technology

December 1, 2006
In the preceding article, I reviewed two seismic design codes of the Building Standard Law of Japan, revised in 1981 and 2000, with the transition of Japanese seismic design codes. Having read the 1974 review by Dr. Makoto Watabe, I was most impressed by his comprehensive understanding of seismic structural systems for buildings – an understanding that is fresh even today, more than 3 decades later. He moves from the basic principles for seismic building design to earthquake-resistant properties of building. The general seismic design principles of buildings he has reviewed are very sound and introduced both in current seismic design codes I have reviewed and the seismic design of super high-rise buildings over 60 m high.
Cite this article as:
H. Kuramoto, “A Short Note for Dr. Watabe’s Review in 1974,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.1 No.3, p. 357, 2006.
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