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Message from Editors-in-Chief
Suminao Murakami* and Katsuki Takiguchi**
*President, Laboratory of Urban Safety Planning, Japan
**Professor of the Graduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Published:August 1, 2006
Life is studded with unforeseen difficulties. These are the disasters. They tend to fiercely destroy things and systems man has created.
This journal’s objective, both in traditional paper form and in electronic form, is to reduce the horrors of disaster through information. Disasters here include earthquakes, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, fires, pollution, terrorism, etc. with the exception of war.
The subjects to be taken up here cover any subject that conforms to the purpose of this journal and is journalistically substantial. These include, for example, scientific papers, commentary, educational articles, investigational reports, information updates and materials.
Disaster is to be examined from a larger, more comprehensive, and panoramic viewpoint touching on all fields of science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, pharmacology, jurisprudence, sociology, economics, political science, etc.
Measures to be taken against disaster vary from urgent and short-term to mid- and long-term. For these measures, in certain cases, there is not a moment to lose, while for others, centuries may be spent before a definite prospect is attained.
This journal is not one for enumerating commonplace information. Editors are responsible for selecting the subjects calling public attention and for structuring vast research activities.
Disaster can probably never be completely eliminated, but with ongoing effort, there may be ways to avert or ameliorate it. Your understanding and support would be most deeply appreciated.
Cite this article as:S. Murakami and K. Takiguchi, “Message from Editors-in-Chief,” J. Disaster Res., Vol.1 No.1, p. 3, 2006.Data files: