
JACIII Vol.25 No.2 pp. 170-176
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2021.p0170


Fine-Grained Access Control Scheme Based on Improved Proxy Re-Encryption in Cloud

Zhenwu Xu*, Jinan Shen*,†, Fang Liang**, and Yingjie Chen*

*School of Information Engineering, Hubei Minzu University
No.39 Xueyuan Road, Enshi, Hubei 445000, China

**School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hubei Minzu University
No.39 Xueyuan Road, Enshi, Hubei 445000, China

Corresponding author

October 6, 2020
December 1, 2020
March 20, 2021
privacy protection, AES, re-encryption, fine-grained, cloud storage

Cloud storage technology has attracted a considerable number of users owing to its exponential growth. Storing data in the cloud can save the resources of local storage configuration and reduce the cost of local hardware investment. However, the data stored in the cloud is out of the physical control (out of control) of the user. Based on the service characteristics of the cloud environment and the security requirements of user privacy data in the cloud environment, this paper proposes an improved identity proxy re-encryption algorithm based on the advanced encryption standard algorithm. The performance of the algorithm is optimized by reducing the number of bilinear mapping operations, whose calculation takes the longest time in the proxy re-encryption scheme. Only two bilinear mapping operations are required in this scheme. In addition, the encrypted data are tested to different degrees. The experimental results show that this scheme satisfies encryption and decryption performance requirements of the user.

Improved proxy re-encryption algorithm

Improved proxy re-encryption algorithm

Cite this article as:
Z. Xu, J. Shen, F. Liang, and Y. Chen, “Fine-Grained Access Control Scheme Based on Improved Proxy Re-Encryption in Cloud,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.25 No.2, pp. 170-176, 2021.
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