
JACIII Vol.18 No.1 pp. 83-92
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2014.p0083


A Survey of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed High-Order Linear Multi-Agent Coordination

Jie Huang*,**, Hao Fang*, Jie Chen*,
Lihua Dou*, and Jie Zeng*

*School of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Key Laboratory of Intelligent Control and Decision of Complex Systems, Beijing, 100081, China

**Fujian Institute of Education, Fuzhou, 350001, China

May 22, 2013
December 3, 2013
January 20, 2014
high-order, multi-agent systems, linear system, coordination, overview
Most previous studies ofmulti-agent systems only considered the first- and second-order dynamics. In this review, we present the major results and progress related to distributed high-order linear multi-agent coordination. We also discuss the current challenges and propose several promising research directions, as well as open problems that demand further investigation.
Cite this article as:
J. Huang, H. Fang, J. Chen, L. Dou, and J. Zeng, “A Survey of Recent Progress in the Study of Distributed High-Order Linear Multi-Agent Coordination,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.18 No.1, pp. 83-92, 2014.
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