
JACIII Vol.15 No.3 p. 253
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2011.p0253


Special Issue on Fuzzy Rule Interpolation

Szilveszter Kov?cs

May 20, 2011

Fuzzy Rule Interpolation (FRI) methods are well known tools for reasoning in case of insufficient knowledge expressed as sparse fuzzy rule-bases. It also provides a simple way to define fuzzy functions. Despite these advantages, FRI techniques are relatively rarely applied in practice.

Enabling sparse fuzzy rule-bases, FRI dramatically simplifies rule-base creation. Regardless of whether the rule-base is generated by a human expert, or automatically from input-output data, the ability to provide reasonable interpolated conclusions even if no rule fires for a given observation, help to concentrate on cardinal actions alone. This reduces the number of rules needed, speeds up parameter optimization and validation steps, and hence simplifies rule-base creation itself.

This special issuefs six papers take six different directions in current FRI research.

The first introduces the FRI concept and sets up a unified criteria and evaluation system. This work collects the main properties an FRI method generally has to fulfill. The next two papers are related to the constantly important mainstream research on the more and more sophisticated FRI methods, the endeavor of finding the best way for defining a fuzzy valued fuzzy function based on data given in the form of the relation of fuzzy sets, i.e., in fuzzy rules. The second paper introduces a novel FRI method that is able to handle fuzzy observations activating multiple rule antecedents applying the concept of nonlinear fuzzy-valued function. The third paper presents a novel ganalogical-basedh FRI method that rather fits into the traditional FRI research line, improving the n-rule-based gscale and move transformationh FRI to ensure continuous approximate functions. The fourth paper addresses the issue of defining a distance function between fuzzy sets on a domain that is not necessarily Euclidean metric space. In FRI, this takes on the importance if antecedent or consequent domains are non-Euclidean metric spaces. The last two papers discuss direct FRI control applications. One is an example proving that the sparse fuzzy rule-base is an efficient knowledge representation in intelligent control solutions. The last deals with the computational efficiency of implemented FRI methods applied to direct control area, clearly showing that the sparse fuzzy rule-base is not only a convenient way for knowledge representation, but also makes FRI methods possible devices for direct embedded control applications.

Cite this article as:
Szilveszter Kov?cs, “Special Issue on Fuzzy Rule Interpolation,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.15 No.3, p. 253, 2011.
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