
JACIII Vol.9 No.4 pp. 409-414
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2005.p0409


Roby-Go, a Prototype for Cooperating MiroSOT Soccer-Playing Robots

Gregor Novak

Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Technology, Vienna, Austria

November 7, 2004
January 19, 2005
July 20, 2005
mobile robots, soccer playing robots, MiroSOT, multi agent systems
Perfectly working robot are basics to competitive robot soccer teams. The mobile minirobot we developed is two-wheeled and differentially driven (2WDD), featuring simple, compact, modular construction. The robot's open architecture enables it to be used both as a MiroSOT soccer player and as a mobile platform in such tasks as an independent test bed for multi agent systems (MAS).
Cite this article as:
G. Novak, “Roby-Go, a Prototype for Cooperating MiroSOT Soccer-Playing Robots,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.9 No.4, pp. 409-414, 2005.
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