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Roby-Go, a Prototype for Cooperating MiroSOT Soccer-Playing Robots
Gregor Novak
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Technology, Vienna, Austria
Received:November 7, 2004Accepted:January 19, 2005Published:July 20, 2005
Keywords:mobile robots, soccer playing robots, MiroSOT, multi agent systems
Perfectly working robot are basics to competitive robot soccer teams. The mobile minirobot we developed is two-wheeled and differentially driven (2WDD), featuring simple, compact, modular construction. The robot's open architecture enables it to be used both as a MiroSOT soccer player and as a mobile platform in such tasks as an independent test bed for multi agent systems (MAS).
Cite this article as:G. Novak, “Roby-Go, a Prototype for Cooperating MiroSOT Soccer-Playing Robots,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.9 No.4, pp. 409-414, 2005.Data files: