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Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using String-Based MHC Detector Set
Jae-Won Jeong, In-Hoon Jang, and Kwee-Bo Sim
School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Chung-Ang University, 221, Heukseok-Dong, Dongjak-Ku, Seoul 156-756, Korea
Received:October 31, 2004Accepted:December 25, 2004Published:March 20, 2005
Keywords:artificial immune system, fingerprint, minutiae, self-recognition
Fingerprints have been widely used in the biometric authentication because of its performance, uniqueness and universality. Lately, the speed of identification has become a very important aspect in the fingerprint-based security applications. Also, the reliability still remains the main issue in the fingerprint identification. A fast and reliable fingerprint matching algorithm based on the process of the "self-nonself" discrimination in the biological immune system was proposed. The proposed algorithm is organized by two-matching stages. The 1st matching stage utilized the self-space and MHC detector string set that are generated from the information of the minutiae and the values of the directional field. The 2nd matching stage was made based on the local-structure of the minutiae. The proposed matching algorithm reduces matching time while maintaining the reliability of the matching algorithm.
Cite this article as:J. Jeong, I. Jang, and K. Sim, “Fingerprint Matching Algorithm Using String-Based MHC Detector Set,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.9 No.2, pp. 175-180, 2005.Data files: