
JACIII Vol.8 No.5 pp. 553-561
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2004.p0553


Sliding Mode Robot Control with Friction and Payload Estimation

Lörinc Márton*, and Béla Lantos**

*Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, 540053 Tg. Mures, P-ta. Trandafirilor 61, Romania

**Dept. of Control Engineering and Information Technology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2, Hungary

May 5, 2004
June 16, 2004
September 20, 2004
robot control, sliding control, adaptive compensation, Lyapunov stability
The paper deals with robust motion control of robotic systems with unknown friction parameters and payload mass. The parameters of the robot arm were considered known with a given precision. To solve the control of the robot with unknown payload mass and friction parameters, sliding mode control algorithm was proposed combined with robust parameter adaptation techniques. Using Lyapunov method it was shown that the resulting controller achieves a guaranteed final tracking accuracy. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness and achievable control performance of the proposed scheme.
Cite this article as:
L. Márton and B. Lantos, “Sliding Mode Robot Control with Friction and Payload Estimation,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.8 No.5, pp. 553-561, 2004.
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