
JACIII Vol.8 No.5 pp. 530-534
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2004.p0530


New Method of Program Selection in Digital TV Receivers and its Evaluation by Users

Petr Weissar*, Jiri Pinker*, Miloslava Hrichova**, and Jaroslav Firt*

*Department of Applied Electronics, University of West Bohemia

**Department of Psychology, University of West Bohemia
Univerzitni 8, 30614 Pilsen, Czech Republic

August 31, 2003
April 20, 2004
September 20, 2004
human-to-machine interface, TV control, user preferences, genre tree, user adaptation
A novel type of a user-friendly "man-to-TV set" interface has been designed for the new generation of digital TV sets with many hundreds of channels. It consists of an optimised remote-control device and a system of menus appearing on the TV screen. Response of potential users has been tested on the groups of students of different age and education, including seniors. Positive results have shown that the new TV control system can be used in practice.
Cite this article as:
P. Weissar, J. Pinker, M. Hrichova, and J. Firt, “New Method of Program Selection in Digital TV Receivers and its Evaluation by Users,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.8 No.5, pp. 530-534, 2004.
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