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Computational Cybernetics
Wilfried Elmenreich*, and Imre J. Rudas**
*Vienna University of Technology, Institut für Technische Informatik, Treitlstrasse 1-3/182-1, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
**Budapest Polytechnic, Doberdó út 6, H-1034 Budapest, Hungary
Published:September 20, 2004
This issue contains selected papers from the International IEEE Conference on Computational Cybernetics that took place in August 2003 in Hungary at the site of lake Balaton. Computational Cybernetics is the synergetic integration of Cybernetics and Computational Intelligence techniques. Cybernetics was defined by Wiener as "the science of control and communication, in the animal and the machine". The word "cybernetics" itself stems from the Greek "kybernetes" that means pilot or governor. Thus, the science of computational Cybernetics is especially concerned with the comparative study of automatic control systems. Furthermore, Computational Cybernetics covers not only mechanical, but biological (living), social and economical systems and for this uses computational intelligence based results of communication theory, signal processing, information technology, control theory, the theory of adaptive systems, the theory of complex systems (game theory, operational research), and computer science. We have selected 14 papers from the conference covering the fields of system design and modeling, neural networks, and fuzzy control, which resemble the great variety of computational cybernetics. While it is sometimes difficult to integrate over these differing fields, we expect the evolution of future intelligent systems at the service of mankind by the synergetic integration of these different areas. It is our hope that the papers in this issue will inspire and help our readers in the development of advanced intelligent systems.
Cite this article as:W. Elmenreich and I. Rudas, “Computational Cybernetics,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.8 No.5, p. 453, 2004.Data files: