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Kinematic Robustness of Manipulating Systems
Alexandra M.S.F. Galhano and J. A. Tenreiro Machado
Institute of Engineering of the Polytechnique Inst. of Porto, Department of Electrical Engineering, Rua Dr. Antonio Bernardino de Almeida, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal
Received:September 1, 2002Accepted:November 11, 2002Published:June 20, 2002
Keywords:robotics, manipulators, biomechanics, kinematics
Present day mechanical manipulators have poor performances when compared with the human arm. In fact, joint-driven manipulators are not efficient due to the high actuator requirements imposed by the transients of the operational tasks. Muscle-actuated arms are superior because the anatomic levers adapt the manipulating exigencies to the driving linear actuators. The kinematic analysis of these systems highlights its main properties and constitutes a step towards the design of new mechanical biological-like. robotic structures adopting linear actuators replacing the standard rotational joint-driving motor systems.
Cite this article as:A. Galhano and J. Machado, “Kinematic Robustness of Manipulating Systems,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.6 No.2, pp. 93-98, 2002.Data files: