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Fuzzy Control Using Piecewise Linear Membership Functions Based on Knowledge of Tuning a PID Controller
Kenichiro Hayashi, Akifumi Otsubo and Kazuhiko Shiranita
Applied Electronics Division, Industrial Technology Center of Saga, 114 Yaemizo, Nabeshima-cho, Saga-shi 849-0932, Japan
Received:October 20, 2000Accepted:December 10, 2000Published:January 20, 2001
Keywords:Fuzzy control, Simplified inference method, Piecewise linear membership function, PID controller, Tuning knowledge
Tuning control parameters of a fuzzy controller depends on trial-and-error. How this can be accomplished efficiently is an important subject in fuzzy control that should be investigated. We propose a method in which membership functions of a fuzzy controller can be simply set up using the knowledge of tuning parameters in a conventional PID controller. In this method, fuzzy control is realized as follows: Piecewise linear membership functions determined using the knowledge of tuning parameters in a PID controller are set up in antecedent parts of four fuzzy control rules having simple structures. Then the simplified inference method that enables high-speed inference is applied to fuzzy control rules.
Cite this article as:K. Hayashi, A. Otsubo, and K. Shiranita, “Fuzzy Control Using Piecewise Linear Membership Functions Based on Knowledge of Tuning a PID Controller,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.5 No.1, pp. 71-77, 2001.Data files: