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Fuzzy Control of a Direct Current Motor System and Stability Analysis
Euntai Kim*, Heejin Lee* and Dongyon Kim**
*Department of Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Hankyong National University 67 Sukjung dong, Ansung, Kyungki, 456-749, Korea Tel. +82-31-670-5295, Fax: +82-334-670-5015
**Department of Electronic Engineering, Hankyong National University
Received:January 1, 1970Accepted:May 6, 1999Published:December 20, 1999
Keywords:Fuzzy control, DC motor, Stability, LMI
One of the most common ways of driving electromechanical systems is through the use of a DC motor. In this paper, fuzzy control methodology for a DC motor system using a singleton fuzzy logic controller (FLC) is proposed. As opposed to conventional works, fuzzy control methodology proposed here is guaranteed to be asymptotically stable on the whole. Finally, the validity of the suggested methodology is highlighted via an illustrative example.
Cite this article as:E. Kim, H. Lee, and D. Kim, “Fuzzy Control of a Direct Current Motor System and Stability Analysis,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.6, pp. 515-518, 1999.Data files: