
JACIII Vol.3 No.6 pp. 462-466
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.1999.p0462


An Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimizing Handwritten Numeral Templates Represented by Rational B-Spline Surfaces

Zheru Chi*, Zhongkang Lu*, Wan-chi Siu* and Peng-Fei Shi**

*Centre of Digital Signal Processing for Multimedia Applications Department of Electronic and Information Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

**Institute of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Shanghai Jiaotong University Shanghai, 200030, P. R. of China

June 23, 1999
August 23, 1999
December 20, 1999
Handwritten numeral string recognition, Evolutionary algorithms, Template optimization, Template matching
To improve the reliability of a template-matching classifier for recognizing connected handwritten characters, we present an evolutionary algorithm to optimize handwritten numeral templates represented by rational Bspline surfaces of character pixel-boundary distance maps (PBDMs). Initial templates are extracted by training a feed-forward neural network. In simulation, 1,000 handwritten numeral templates (100 templates for each class) were extracted and optimized using 10,426 training samples (isolated numerals from NIST Special Database 3). A template-matching classifier using these 1,000 optimized templates rejected 90.7% of nonnumeral patterns (not included in the training set) while achieving a correct classification rate of 96.4% on independent isolated numerals.
Cite this article as:
Z. Chi, Z. Lu, W. Siu, and P. Shi, “An Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimizing Handwritten Numeral Templates Represented by Rational B-Spline Surfaces,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.6, pp. 462-466, 1999.
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