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Enhancement of Eyeround Images Based on an Improved Fuzzy Algorithm
Yaming Wang*, Jiajun Wang**, Yuanmei Wang** and Yude Dong***
*School of Electronics and Informatics, Zhejiang Institute of Science and Technology 88 Wenyi Road, Hangzhou 310033,China
**Department of Biomedical Engineering, Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027,China
***CAD & CG State Key Laboratory, Zhejiang University Hangzhou 310027,China
Received:June 23, 1999Accepted:August 21, 1999Published:December 20, 1999
Keywords:Eye ground image, Image enhancement, Fuzzy set
Eye ground images are complex, with many details and uncertainties. Conventional enhancement algorithms do not enhance these images suitably of inferior processing. S. K. Pal proposed a fuzzy enhancement algorithm with advantages, but these were compromised by slow processing and information loss. We propose a fuzzy enhancement algorithm for eyeground images introducing mapping and implementing the algorithm through table searches, significantly improving image quality and processing speed.
Cite this article as:Y. Wang, J. Wang, Y. Wang, and Y. Dong, “Enhancement of Eyeround Images Based on an Improved Fuzzy Algorithm,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.6, pp. 441-445, 1999.Data files: