
JACIII Vol.3 No.6 pp. 439-440
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.1999.p0439


Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning in Intelligent Algorithms and Systems Design

Chengqi Zhang*, Ling Guan** and Zheru Chi***

*School of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University Geelong, Victoria 3217, Australia

**School of Electrical and Information Engineering, University of Sydney NSW 2006, Australia

***School of Electronic and Information Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

December 20, 1999
Learning has long been and will continue to be a key issue in intelligent algorithms and systems design. Emulating the behavior and mechanisms of human learning by machines at such high levels as symbolic processing and such low levels as neuronal processing has long been a dominant interest among researchers worldwide. Neural networks, fuzzy logic, and evolutionary algorithms represent the three most active research areas. With advanced theoretical studies and computer technology, many promising algorithms and systems using these techniques have been designed and implemented for a wide range of applications. This Special Issue presents seven papers on learning in intelligent algorithms and systems design from researchers in Japan, China, Australia, and the U.S. Neural Networks: Emulating low-level human intelligent processing, or neuronal processing, gave birth of artificial neural networks more than five decades ago. It was hoped that devices based on biological neural networks would possess characteristics of the human brain. Neural networks have reattracted researchers' attention since the late 1980s when back-propagation algorithms were used to train multilayer feed-forward neural networks. In the last decades, we have seen promising progress in this research field yield many new models, learning algorithms, and real-world applications, evidenced by the publication of new journals in this field. Fuzzy Logic: Since L. A. Zadeh introduced fuzzy set theory in 1965, fuzzy logic has increasingly become the focus of many researchers and engineers opening up new research and problem solving. Fuzzy set theory has been favorably applied to control system design. In the last few years, fuzzy model applications have bloomed in image processing and pattern recognition. Evolutionary Algorithms: Evolutionary optimization algorithms have been studied over three decades, emulating natural evolutionary search and selection so powerful in global optimization. The study of evolutionary algorithms includes evolutionary programming (EP), evolutionary strategies (ESs), genetic algorithms (GAs), and genetic programming (GP). In the last few years, we have also seen multiple computational algorithms combined to maximize system performance, such as neurofuzzy networks, fuzzy neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic optimization, neural networks, and evolutionary algorithms. This Special Issue also includes papers that introduce combined techniques. Wang et al present an improved fuzzy algorithm for enhanced eyeground images. Examination of the eyeground image is effective in diagnosing glaucoma and diabetes. Conventional eyeground image quality is usually too poor for doctors to obtain useful information, so enhancement is required to eliminate this. Due to details and uncertainties in eyeground images, conventional enhancement such as histogram equalization, edge enhancement, and high-pass filters fail to achieve good results. Fuzzy enhancement enhances images in three steps: (1) transferring an image from the spatial domain to the fuzzy domain; (2) conducting enhancement in the fuzzy domain; and (3) returning the image from the fuzzy domain to the spatial domain. The paper detailing this proposes improved mapping and fast implementation. Mohammadian presents a method for designing self-learning hierarchical fuzzy logic control systems based on the integration of evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy logic. The purpose of such an approach is to provide an integrated knowledge base for intelligent control and collision avoidance in a multirobot system. Evolutionary algorithms are used as in adaptation for learning fuzzy knowledge bases of control systems and learning, mapping, and interaction between fuzzy knowledge bases of different fuzzy logic systems. Fuzzy integral has been found useful in data fusion. Pham and Wagner present an approach based on the fuzzy integral and GAs to combine likelihood values of cohort speakers. The fuzzy integral nonlinearly fuses similarity measures of an utterance assigned to cohort speakers. In their approach, Gas find optimal fuzzy densities required for fuzzy fusion. Experiments using commercial speech corpus T146 show their approach achieves more favorable performance than conventional normalization. Evolution reflects the behavior of a society. Puppala and Sen present a coevolutionary approach to generating behavioral strategies for cooperating agent groups. Agent behavior evolves via GAs, where one genetic algorithm population is evolved per individual in the cooperative group. Groups are evaluated by pairing strategies from each population and best strategy pairs are stored together in shared memory. The approach is evaluated using asymmetric room painting and results demonstrate the superiority of shared memory over random pairing in consistently generating optimal behavior patterns. Object representation and template optimization are two main factors affecting object recognition performance. Lu et al present an evolutionary algorithm for optimizing handwritten numeral templates represented by rational B-spline surfaces of character foreground-background-distance distribution maps. Initial templates are extracted from training a feed-forward neural network instead of using arbitrarily chosen patterns to reduce iterations required in evolutionary optimization. To further reduce computational complexity, a fast search is used in selection. Using 1,000 optimized numeral templates, the classifier achieves a classification rate of 96.4% while rejecting 90.7% of nonnumeral patterns when tested on NIST Special Database 3. Determining an appropriate number of clusters is difficult yet important. Li et al based their approach based on rival penalized competitive learning (RPCL), addressing problems of overlapped clusters and dependent components of input vectors by incorporating full covariance matrices into the original RPCL algorithm. The resulting learning algorithm progressively eliminates units whose clusters contain only a small amount of training data. The algorithm is applied to determine the number of clusters in a Gaussian mixture distribution and to optimize the architecture of elliptical function networks for speaker verification and for vowel classification. Another important issue on learning is Kurihara and Sugawara's adaptive reinforcement learning algorithm integrating exploitation- and exploration-oriented learning. This algorithm is more robust in dynamically changing, large-scale environments, providing better performance than either exploitation- learning or exploration-oriented learning, making it is well suited for autonomous systems. In closing we would like to thank the authors who have submitted papers to this Special Issue and express our appreciation to the referees for their excellent work in reading papers under a tight schedule.
Cite this article as:
Chengqi Zhang*, Ling Guan**, and Z. Chi, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Learning in Intelligent Algorithms and Systems Design,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.6, pp. 439-440, 1999.
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