
JACIII Vol.3 No.4 pp. 289-298
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.1999.p0289


Compensatory Multicriteria Aggregation Algorithm

Marcelo Godoy Simoes

Engineering Division Colorado School of Mines Golden CO, 80401-1887, USA

September 3, 1998
June 20, 1999
August 20, 1999
Fuzzy decision making, Multi-attribute decision, Aggregation algorithm, Fuzzy constraints, Fuzzy goals
Performance aggregation in decision processes is easy to implement, amplified by clarity with varying degrees of compensation that are a measure of the decision-maker’s willingness to consider all goals and constraints globally. We extend this concept, suggesting that the notion of compensation should be applied to another step of the decision process. We presented a mathematical function for this -- the DI-operator - that complies with the notion of degrees of compensation. A query interface is used with a personal computer and the algorithm is applied in purchase decisions of mechanical materials, partner selection, and urban vehicle delivery scheduling.
Cite this article as:
M. Simoes, “Compensatory Multicriteria Aggregation Algorithm,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.4, pp. 289-298, 1999.
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