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Utility Revision Mechanism Based on User’s Subjective Decision Hierarchy for Multiagent-Based Group Decision Support
Takayuki Ito and Toramatsu Shintani
Department of Intelligence and Computer Science Nagoya Institute of Technology Gokiso, Showa-ku, Nagoya 466-8555, Japan
Received:July 6, 1998Accepted:November 6, 1998Published:June 20, 1999
Keywords:Multi-agent systems, Intelligent agents, Group decision support systems, Persuasion, Utility revision
We propose a utility revision mechanism for persuasion among agents in the Group Choice Design Support System (GCDSS). GCDSS is a group decision support system based on multiagent negotiation. In GCDSS, each user manages a system for an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and an agent. Each user subjectively constructs a decision hierarchy and determines weights of alternatives using AHP Based on the hierarchy and weights, agents negotiate with each other on behalf of users. In negotiation, agents attempt to persuade each other. If an agent is persuaded, the agent attempts to revise its utility for a state of its decision hierarchy by adjusting pairwise comparisons in AHP We propose a utility revision mechanism for persuasion among agents using the user’s subjective decision hierarchy of AHP to make persuasion more flexible. Agents try to make their decision hierarchy reliable to revise its utility.
Cite this article as:T. Ito and T. Shintani, “Utility Revision Mechanism Based on User’s Subjective Decision Hierarchy for Multiagent-Based Group Decision Support,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.3 No.3, pp. 207-210, 1999.Data files: