Research Paper:
Robotics and Automation Roadmap: Thailand Perspectives
Nathasit Gerdsri*1,
, Phoemsak Suksiri*2, Tunyawat Somjaitaweeporn*3, and Temsiri Sapsaman*4
*1College of Management, Mahidol University
69 Vipawadee Rangsit Road, Samsennai, Phayathai District, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Corresponding author
*2Manufacturing Automation and Robotic Center, Thai-German Institute
Klongtamru, Thailand
*3Engineering and Technology, Panyapiwat Institute of Management
Pakkred, Thailand
*4Production and Robotics Engineering Department, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok
Bangkok, Thailand
Robotics and automation are the key industries supporting Thailand’s strategic initiatives toward Thailand 4.0. This paper presents the development of an industry roadmap guiding the future research and development of related technologies in Thailand. The roadmap project was recently conducted during 2021–2022. The strategic targets for the future development of robotics and automation in Thailand were set to increase productivity and reduce adoption cost for the short term (2022–2023); create market opportunities for AI and industrial IoT technologies with data platform for the medium term (2024–2026); and prepare the Industry 5.0 system supporting emerging applications of digital twins and metaverse for the long term (2027–2030).
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