
IJAT Vol.15 No.1 pp. 123-130
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2021.p0123


Investigation of the Surface Roughness in Infeed Centerless Grinding of SCM435 Steel

Do Duc Trung and Nhu-Tung Nguyen

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Hanoi University of Industry
No.298, Cau Dien Street, Bac Tu Liem, Hanoi 100-000, Vietnam

Corresponding author

June 14, 2020
August 25, 2020
January 5, 2021
surface roughness model, infeed centerless grinding, Box-Cox transformation, SCM435 steel, Hai Duong grinding wheel

This study was carried out to investigate the surface roughness in infeed centerless grinding process. The experiment was performed to determine the influence of several technological parameters on the surface roughness. The grinding wheel of Hai Duong Company, Vietnam, was used to machine the SCM435 steel. The experimental matrix was designed using central composite design (CCD). The machining parameters that were used as the input parameters in this study include the workpiece center height, dressing feed rate, regulating wheel velocity, and infeed rate. From the experimental data, an initial model of the surface roughness was built as a quadratic function. Further, a Box-Cox transformation was used to develop a new model from the initial surface roughness data with better accuracy than that of the initial model. The accuracy of the proposed model was verified by comparing the values of the mean absolute error, mean square error, and determination coefficients. This direct approach can be applied for the investigation of other factors during machining processes and can be used in the optimization of machining processes.

Cite this article as:
D. Trung and N. Nguyen, “Investigation of the Surface Roughness in Infeed Centerless Grinding of SCM435 Steel,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.15 No.1, pp. 123-130, 2021.
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