
IJAT Vol.13 No.4 pp. 453-463
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2019.p0453


Designing Haptics: Improving a Virtual Reality Glove with Respect to Realism, Performance, and Comfort

Daniel Shor, Bryan Zaaijer, Laura Ahsmann, Max Weetzel, Simon Immerzeel, Daniël Eikelenboom, Jess Hartcher-O’Brien, and Doris Aschenbrenner

Perceptual Intelligence Lab, Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, Delft University of Technology
15 Industrial Design Landbergstraat, Delft, Zuid Holland 2628, Netherlands

Corresponding author

January 18, 2019
April 3, 2019
July 5, 2019
virtual reality, haptic devices, interaction design theory, concepts and paradigms, product design

This design paper describes the development of custom built interface between a force-replicating virtual reality (VR) haptic interface glove, and a user. The ability to convey haptic information – both kinematic and tactile – is a critical barrier in creating comprehensive simulations. Haptic interface gloves can convey haptic information, but often the haptic “signal” is diluted by sensory “noise,” miscuing the user’s brain. Our goal is to convey compelling interactions – such as grasping, squeezing, and pressing – with virtual objects by improving one such haptic interface glove, the SenseGlove, through a redesign of the user-glove interface, soft glove. The redesign revolves around three critical design factors – comfort, realism, and performance – and three critical design areas – thimble/fingertip, palm, and haptic feedback. This paper introduces the redesign method and compares the two designs with a quantitative user study. The benefit of the improved soft glove can be shown by a significant improvement of the design factors, quantified through QUESI, NASA-TLX, and comfort questionnaires.

Cite this article as:
D. Shor, B. Zaaijer, L. Ahsmann, M. Weetzel, S. Immerzeel, D. Eikelenboom, J. Hartcher-O’Brien, and D. Aschenbrenner, “Designing Haptics: Improving a Virtual Reality Glove with Respect to Realism, Performance, and Comfort,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.13 No.4, pp. 453-463, 2019.
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