Technical Paper:
Mirror-Surface Finishing by Integrating Magnetic-Polishing Technology with a Compact Machine Tool
Yuki Manabe*,, Hiroki Murakami*, Toshiki Hirogaki*, Eiichi Aoyama*, and Tatsuya Furuki**
*Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University
1-3 Tataramiyakodani, Kyotanabe-shi, Kyoto 610-0394, Japan
Corresponding author
**Graduate School of Engineering, Gifu University, Gifu, Japan
In recent years, owing to the advent of mobile phones, product miniaturization and multifunctionalization have rapidly progressed. However, the large-sized machine tools for the manufacture of small products waste a considerable amount of space and power. The present study aimed at applying a magnetic-polishing method using a ball-end mill-type tool to examine the optimum processing conditions. This was done to apply a mirror finish for the integration of the cutting and polishing processes by using the small machine tool. The magnetic-polishing effect was evaluated from the point of view of the polishing amount, surface roughness, specimen shape, and mirror-surface condition. In addition, the movement of the paste during polishing was observed through images obtained through a high-speed camera. The movement of the paste is considered for effective polishing and other cases. Accordingly, various magnetic-polishing techniques were used for irregularities and step shapes. Various conditions were also examined, and a stable condition was determined. The results reveal that the amount of polishing paste significantly influences the polishing movement. In addition, a sufficient polishing effect could be obtained by duplicating the polishing course by using a sine wave course.
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