
IJAT Vol.12 No.6 pp. 814-821
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2018.p0814


A Lifecycle Simulation Method for Global Reuse

Hidenori Murata*,†, Naoya Yokono**, Shinichi Fukushige*, and Hideki Kobayashi*

*Department of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka University,
2-1 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Corresponding author

**NTT Docomo, Inc., Tokyo, Japan

May 26, 2018
September 27, 2018
November 5, 2018
lifecycle simulation, reuse, system of systems, lithium-ion battery

Reuse is an effective method of circulating resources in terms of environmental benefits because it requires fewer resources and less energy than manufacturing new products from virgin materials. In global reuse, a used component or module is reused in a different application. To evaluate a system of multiple product lifecycle systems (PLSs), the lifecycle simulation methodology LCS4SoS has been proposed. LCS4SoS comprises three elements, namely, individual PLSs, interactions among them, and their evolution over time. This paper proposes a lifecycle simulation method for global reuse based on the LCS4SoS framework. Flow control rules are developed for global reuse to control the directions and quantities of material flow among the PLSs. The usefulness of this method is verified by a case study of automobile and stationary battery PLSs.

Cite this article as:
H. Murata, N. Yokono, S. Fukushige, and H. Kobayashi, “A Lifecycle Simulation Method for Global Reuse,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.12 No.6, pp. 814-821, 2018.
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