Proposal for a Design Theory of a Database for Skill Learning from the Viewpoint of Service
Sanggyu Shin*,, Hiroshi Hashimoto*, Kaoru Mitsuhashi**, and Sho Yokota***
*Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology (AIIT)
1-10-40 Higashiooi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 140-0011, Japan
Corresponding author
**Polytechnic University, Tokyo, Japan
***Toyo University, Kawagoe, Japan
This paper aims at improving the learning efficiency of the skill learning service accompanied by physical movement. Furthermore, in this paper, the authors describe the outlines of a design theory for a skill learning service which can lead to the satisfaction of both learner and instructor. In our proposal, we use a relational database with MongoDB that is an unstructured database, making it possible to incorporate flexibly the demands of the learner and instructor into the database. This enables to deal adaptively with the various requirements of each user and input/output items; thus, it becomes easier to accumulate information on the progress of the learner. By visualizing the results of the analysis, it becomes easier to identify possible improvements to the existing skill-teaching services.
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