
IJAT Vol.11 No.6 pp. 862-868
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2017.p0862


Precision Machining of Sintered Zirconia Ceramics by High-Speed Milling

Yusuke Ito, Naohiko Sugita, Tatsuya Fujii, Toru Kizaki, and Mamoru Mitsuishi

School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan

Corresponding author

January 10, 2017
June 6, 2017
Online released:
October 31, 2017
November 5, 2017
precision cutting, ceramics, zirconia, high-speed milling

Precision machining of sintered zirconia ceramics is expected for various applications such as dental prostheses or artificial femoral heads. However, machining of zirconia is a major challenge because of its high hardness. We have found that the bending strength and fracture toughness of this material decrease with an increase in temperature. To use this characteristic, we propose a high-speed milling process with a cutting speed of more than 500 m/min because high-cutting speed can generate a large amount of heat during cutting. According to the results of trials, precision machining of the surface was possible with a cutting speed of 670 m/min. Moreover, the amount of flank wear was decreased by the high-speed milling. These results confirmed the possibility of precision cutting of sintered zirconia ceramics.

Cite this article as:
Y. Ito, N. Sugita, T. Fujii, T. Kizaki, and M. Mitsuishi, “Precision Machining of Sintered Zirconia Ceramics by High-Speed Milling,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.11 No.6, pp. 862-868, 2017.
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