
IJAT Vol.9 No.3 pp. 210-215
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2015.p0210


Node Deployment Algorithm Based on Perception Model of Wireless Sensor Network

Hengchang Jing

College of Management, Henan University of Science and Technology
Henan Luoyang 471023, China

December 10, 2014
March 12, 2015
May 5, 2015
node deployment algorithm, perception model, wireless sensor network
With the aim of solving the coverage problem of a wireless sensor network, a node deployment algorithm for the wireless sensor network, one based on a perception model, is designed in this work. The simulation results show that this algorithm can effectively deploy the wireless sensor network node, improve the network’s coverage, reduce the energy consumption of the network node, and help the network to function longer.
Cite this article as:
H. Jing, “Node Deployment Algorithm Based on Perception Model of Wireless Sensor Network,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.9 No.3, pp. 210-215, 2015.
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