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Application of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems to Hot Strip Down Coilers
Hiroaki Kuwano* and Shinichi Yokota**
*Machinery, Environmental & Logistics Systems Operations, IHI Corporation, Toyosu IHI Building, 1-1 Toyosu 3-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-8710, Japan
**P&I Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, R2-41, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan
Received:February 4, 2012Accepted:May 29, 2012Published:July 5, 2012
Keywords:electro-hydraulic servo system, hot strip down coiler, wrapper roll, optimal control, modified posicastcontrol
Many kinds of electro-hydraulic servo systems have been applied to rolling mills, such as hot strip mills, cold strip mills, and seamless tube mills, for their quick response, high power, and high positioning accuracy. However, when an electro-hydraulic servo system is applied to a hot strip down coiler, it is found that the controlled object has low natural frequency and is lightly damped, so stable control is very difficult to achieve. In order to overcome these issues, first, the optimal control theory is applied to eliminate these deficiencies [1, 2]. However, the derived control system is found to lack robustness. Control effectiveness is highly influenced by the response of servo valve and the length of the piping between the servo valve and the cylinder in particular. Finally, a novel, practical controlmethod is found and proposed in the process of adjusting the production machine. The novel control method proposed here, based on the “posicast” control proposed by O. J. M. Smith in 1957 [3], has realized a kind of dead-beat control and has been found to be robust because it uses the internal information of the controlled object.
Cite this article as:H. Kuwano and S. Yokota, “Application of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Systems to Hot Strip Down Coilers,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.6 No.4, pp. 445-449, 2012.Data files:
References- [1] H. W. Smith et al., “Design of industrial regulators,” Proc. of the IEE, 119-8, pp. 1210-1216, 1972.
- [2] S. Kido, M. Akaji, M. Murata, N. Takahashi, M. Nitanda, and H. Kuwano, “Hydraulic wrapper roll in hot strip downcoiler,” J of the Iron and Steel Engineer, pp. 43-48, 1982.
- [3] O. J.M. Smith, “Posicast Control of Damped Oscillatory Systems,” Proc. of the IRE, pp. 1249-1255, 1957.