
IJAT Vol.1 No.2 pp. 136-140
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2007.p0136

Development Report:

Virtual Optimization of Machine Tools and Production Processes

Jochen Bretschneider and Thomas Menzel

Siemens AG, A&D MC MT P
Frauenauracher Strasse 80, 91056 Erlangen, Germany

February 28, 2007
June 1, 2007
November 5, 2007
machine tool, mechatronic, simulation, development
Faster development of innovative machine tools, shorter processing times, improved surface quality of workpieces, higher machine productivity – these are just a few of the wishes and demands of machine manufacturers and end-users. Time-to-market is decisive; in some industries, six months too late on the market can already be decisive in losing the race for market leadership. The key to success lies in virtual techniques. These are an extremely cost-effective way to increase productivity in all phases of the machine tools life cycle. Siemens AG, the leading provider for control and drive technology, sees itself as a partner for the whole machine tool industry and offers four phases of simulation support which cover the entire life cycle of a machine: Mechatronic Support for simulation for machine development, Machine Simulator for supporting commissioning, Virtual Production for the optimization of production and, finally, Virtual NC Kernel (VNCK) for the testing of NC part programs at the end-user.
Cite this article as:
J. Bretschneider and T. Menzel, “Virtual Optimization of Machine Tools and Production Processes,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.1 No.2, pp. 136-140, 2007.
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