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Ryuichi Hodoshima Dr., National Research Institute of Fire and Disaster | Takahiro Doi Ph.D.Eng. Assistant Professor, Department of Robotics, College of Engineering, Kanazawa Institute of Technology | Yasushi Fukuda Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Tamagawa University | Shigeo Hirose Dr. Eng. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology | Toshihito Okamoto CEO of Taisho Kensetu Corporation | Junichi Mori Technological Development Office of Taisho Kensetu Corporation
Fig. From left: Prof. Tatsuo Arai, Editor in Chief; Prof. Shigeo Hirose; Dr. Ryuichi Hodoshima; and Mr. Shigeyuki Suzuki, Adviser, Fuji Technology Press.
A word from the Editor-in-Chief to the awardees
To all our prize winners:
Congratulations on having won the JRM Best Paper Award for 2008. We are especially happy this year, as it marks JRM’s 20th anniversary. I am convinced that our being able to award such excellent work as we celebrate this auspicious occasion signifies both a turning point and giant step ahead for JRM. The prize-winning work was selected from among Volume 19 published in 2007.
This volume was composed of 88 high-quality research papers, but from among the many excellent candidates one work was chosen not only for its innovation and usefulness, but for its truly unique quality. Perhaps it can be called a fitting work to crown JRM’s 20th Anniversary.
This year’s prize selection was done through the participation of all Japanese members of the editorial board. Our Editor-in-Chief and the guest editors of the special issues selected one or two candidates from each number of Volume 19. These works were then further narrowed down to seven through a careful selection and evaluation process. From among these seven, the February 2009 meeting of the Editorial Board finally came to an agreement on the work most deserving of the grand prize.
It is my sincere hope that all the prize winners continue to develop in the future, and that JRM continues to make great strides with you. Lastly, to the members of Fuji Technology Press, Robotics and Mechatronics Division of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, and to the entire editorial staff, I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation.
Tatsuo Arai, Prof.
Editor in Chief