
The Best Paper Award 2022 and The Special Paper Award 2022



Vibration Mode and Motion Trajectory Simulations of an Articulated Robot by a Dynamic Model Considering Joint Bearing Stiffness

Ryuta Sato, Yuya Ito, Shigeto Mizuura, and Keiichi Shirase
Vol.15 no.5 p.631-640 2021

 Ryuta Sato   Yuya Ito  Shigeto Mizuura  Keiichi Shirase 
 Ryuta Sato 
 Kobe University 
  Yuya Ito 
 DAIHEN Corporation 
 Shigeto Mizuura 
 DAIHEN Corporation 
 Keiichi Shirase 
 Kobe University 



High-Precision Mobile Robotic Manipulator for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

Shinichi Inoue, Akihisa Urata, Takumi Kodama, Tobias Huwer, Yuya Maruyama, Sho Fujita, Hidenori Shinno, and Hayato Yoshioka
Vol.15 no.5 p.651-660 2021

Shinichi InoueAkihisa UrataTakumi KodamaTobias HuwerYuya MaruyamaSho FujitaHidenori ShinnoHayato Yoshioka
Shinichi Inoue
Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
Akihisa Urata
Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
Takumi Kodama
Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
Tobias Huwer
Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
Yuya Maruyama
Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
Sho Fujita
Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.
Hidenori Shinno
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Hayato Yoshioka
Tokyo Institute of Technology

The Best Paper Award 2022 and The Special Paper Award 2022

Photo: The Best Paper Award winners, the Special Paper Award winners, IJAT editors, and publishing staff. The first row (left to right): Prof. Emeritus Mamoru Mitsuishi (Editor-in-Chief, The University of Tokyo), publishing staff, Prof. Ryuta Sato (the Best Paper Award winner, Nagoya University), Mr. Tobias Huwer, Dr. Akihisa Urata, Dr. Sho Fujita, and Mr. Takumi Kodama (the Special Paper Award winners, Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.). The second row (left to right): Prof. Atsushi Matsubara (Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Kyoto University), Prof. Keiichi Shirase (the Best Paper Award winner, Kobe University), Prof. Hayato Yoshioka (the Special Paper Award winner / The University of Tokyo), Prof. Tatsuaki Furumoto (Kanazawa University), and Prof. Yasuhiro Kakinuma (Keio University). The third row (left to right): Prof. Emeritus Nobuyuki Moronuki (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Prof. Rei Hino (Nagoya University), Assoc. Prof. Yukie Nagai (Tokyo Metropolitan University), Prof. Keiichi Nakamoto (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), and Dr. Masako Sudo (FANUC CORPORATION). The fourth row (left to right): Prof. Emeritus Tojiro Aoyama (Keio University), Dr. Keiji Mitsuyuki (DENSO CORPORATION), and Prof. Naoki Asakawa (Kanazawa University).

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Last updated on Jan. 08, 2025