
IJAT Best Paper Award & Best Review Award 2018



Integrated Chatter Monitoring Based on Sensorless Cutting Force/Torque Estimation in Parallel Turning

Yuki Yamada, Takashi Kadota, Shinya Sakata, Junji Tachibana, Kenichi Nakanishi, Manabu Sawada, and Yasuhiro Kakinuma
Vol.11 no.2 p.215-225 2017

 Yuki Yamada  Takashi Kadota  Shinya Sakata 
 Yuki Yamada 
 Keio University 
 Takashi Kadota 
 Keio University 
 Shinya Sakata 
 Keio University 

Junji TachibanaKenichi NakanishiManabu SawadaYasuhiro Kakinuma
Junji Tachibana
PMAC-Japan Co., Ltd.
Kenichi Nakanishi
Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Manabu Sawada
Nakamura-Tome Precision Industry Co., Ltd.
Yasuhiro Kakinuma
Keio University

IJAT Best Paper Award & Best Review Award 2018

Photo: The Best Paper Award winners receive certificates with a honorarium.  Left: Prof. Yasuhiro Kakinuma at Keio University, winner of the Best Paper Award.  Center: Mr. Yuki Yamada at NSK Ltd. (current), winner of the Best Paper Award.  Right: Prof. Mamoru Mitsuishi at The University of Tokyo, Editor-in-Chief.

IJAT Best Paper Award & Best Review Award 2018

Photo: The Best Paper Award winners, IJAT editors, and publishing staffs.  First line from the left: Prof. Atsushi Matsubara (Deputy Editor-in-Chief), Prof. Yasuhiro Kakinuma (winner), Mr. Yuki Yamada (winner), Prof. Mamoru Mitsuishi (Editor-in-Chief).  Second line from the left: Mr. Yonetatsu Matsumoto (publisher), Prof. Naoki Asakawa, Dr. Tomohiko Maeda, Prof. Hayato Yoshioka, Mr. Kunihiko Uchida (publisher).



“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples

Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
Vol.11 no.1 p.4-16 2017

Klaus-Dieter ThobenStefan WiesnerThorsten Wuest
Klaus-Dieter Thoben
University of Bremen, BIBA: Bremer Institut fur Produktion und Logistik GmbH
Stefan Wiesner
BIBA: Bremer Institut fur Produktion und Logistik GmbH
Thorsten Wuest
West Virginia University

IJAT Best Paper Award & Best Review Award 2018

Photo: The Best Review Award winners receive certificates with a commemorative shield. Center: Prof. Stefan Wiesner at BIBA. Right: Prof. Klaus-Dieter Thoben at BIBA/University of Bremen. The other author, Prof. Thorsten Wuest also receives a certificate.

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Last updated on Jan. 19, 2025