
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jul. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 4 Vol.19
The 2019 Rugby World Cup and Economic Impacts on Hotels Recovering from Disasters
David N. Nguyen
disasters, hotels, mega-events, tourism, COVID-19
No.2 12 Vol.17
Cooperation Among Public Health Nurses in Municipalities and at Public Health Centers for Infection Control at Evacuation Shelters
Junko Kurita and Shinobu Yamaguchi
cooperation, evacuation shelter, infection control, public health center, public health nurse
No.3 5 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 9 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.5 4 Vol.19
A Study on Digital Model for Decision-Making in Crisis Response
Naoko Kosaka, Shuji Moriguchi, Akihiro Shibayama, Tsuneko Kura, Naoko Shigematsu, Kazuki Okumura, Erick Mas, Makoto Okumura, Shunichi Koshimura, Kenjiro Terada, Akinori Fujino, Hiroshi Matsubara, and Masaki Hisada
digital model, landslide, river flooding, evacuation agent simulation, decision-making
No.5 9 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.6 8 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.7 15 Vol.19
Features and Issues of Disaster Management Education Practices in Schools and Communities in Japan: Based on an Analysis of Activities of Organizations Participating in the “Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan” of the Cabinet Office
Reo Kimura and Masaki Ikeda
Disaster Management Education Challenge Plan, fundamental skills of disaster management, cluster analysis, awareness that disasters affect everyone
No.8 14 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.9 13 Vol.17
Migration with Dignity: A Legal and Policy Framework
Shanna N. McClain, Carl Bruch, Erin Daly, James May, Yuko Hamada, Miko Maekawa, Nagisa Shiiba, Mikiyasu Nakayama, and Glykeria Tsiokanou
migration, dignity, human rights, migration with dignity
No.9 19 Vol.15
Integrated Study on Forecasting Volcanic Hazards of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Masato Iguchi, Haruhisa Nakamichi, and Takeshi Tameguri
Sakurajima volcano, Vulcanian eruption, Plinian eruption, forecasting volcanic ash, evacuation plan
No.10 11 Vol.18
Estimation of the Seismic Source of the 1974 Lima Peru Earthquake and Tsunami (Mw 8.1)
Cesar Jimenez, Jorge Morales, Miguel Estrada, Bruno Adriano, Erick Mas, and Shunichi Koshimura
slip distribution, numerical simulation, tsunami inversion
No.10 17 Vol.18
Seismicity Based Maximum Magnitude Estimation of Subduction Earthquakes in Peru
Juan Carlos Tarazona, Zenon Aguilar, Nelson Pulido, Carlos Gonzales, Fernando Lazares, and Hiroe Miyake
maximum magnitude, subduction earthquakes, seismogenic sources, interface and intraslab earthquakes, seismic zonation

Count period : July 1-31, 2024

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Last updated on Sep. 09, 2024