
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Oct. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.18
Assessment of Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies in Coastal Environments of Taiwan
Viola van Onselen, Mucahid Mustafa Bayrak, and Tsung-Yi Lin
coastal hazards, Eco-DRR, sand dunes, windbreak forests, mangroves
No.2 - Vol.18
Implementation of Hydrological Model for the Malino Catchment Area in South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Ayuko Hirani Saleh, Akira Tai, Shinichiro Yano, and Mukhsan Putra Hatta
hydrological model, rainfall-runoff, tank model, Malino Catchment Area (MCA), Jeneberang watershed’s continuity planning
No.3 4 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.4 11 Vol.14
Stampede Events and Strategies for Crowd Management
Chun-Hao Shao, Pei-Chun Shao, and Fang-Ming Kuo
stampede, crowd management, evacuation
No.5 8 Vol.18
Strong Ground Motion of the 1923 Kanto, Japan Earthquake
Saburoh Midorikawa
strong ground motion, seismic intensity, seismogram, the 1923 Kanto earthquake
No.5 10 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.6 7 Vol.18
Reconsideration of Urbanization in Tokyo Metropolitan Area Since 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake from the Perspective of Exposure
Osamu Murao, Kyota Fujiwara, Haruna Kato, Fumitake Yonemura, Keiko Inagaki, and Kimiro Meguro
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, urban disaster risk, fire spread, Tokyo, densely inhabited district (DID)
No.7 - Vol.18
Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Reduction: A Long-Term Program of the IRDR International Centre of Excellence at Taipei (ICoE-Taipei)
Jian-Cheng Lee, Chung-Pai Chang, and Ying Liao
disaster risk reduction, capacity building, IRDR, ICoE Taipei
No.8 - Vol.18
Analysis of Orientation Changes of S-Net Accelerometers due to Earthquake Motions
Yadab P. Dhakal and Takashi Kunugi
S-net, ocean-bottom seismographs, strong motions, rotation of sensors, earthquake early warning
No.9 20 Vol.18
Wavelet Transform Method for the Evaluation of the Seismic Response of One Isolated Building in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Joseph Jaramillo, Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Koichi Kusunoki, Italo Inocente, and Danty Otero
structural health monitoring, wavelet transform, earthquake, seismic response, monitoring system
No.9 18 Vol.17
Mitigating Impacts of Climate Change Induced Sea Level Rise by Infrastructure Development: Case of the Maldives
Akiko Sakamoto, Koichi Nishiya, Xuanjin Guo, Airi Sugimoto, Waka Nagasaki, and Kaito Doi
sea level rise, atoll country, migration, Hulhumalé, Maldives
No.9 22 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.10 15 Vol.18
1923 Great Kanto Earthquake: Fire Damage and Lessons Learned
Ai Sekizawa
No.10 20 Vol.18
Analysis of Adaptive Pushover in Confined Masonry Dwellings with Height Irregularity in the Lima Metropolitan Area
Miguel Diaz, Carlos Zavala, Luis Lopez, and Michel Amancio
confined masonry, height irregularity, adaptive pushover, based displacement
No.10 23 Vol.16
Advances in Urban Stormwater Management in Japan: A Review
Yoshihiro Shibuo and Hiroaki Furumai
stormwater management, rainfall observation, integrated urban flood modelling, Internet of Things

Count period : October 1-31, 2023

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