
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Feb. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Consideration of Evacuation Drills Utilizing the Capabilities of People with Special Needs
Takashi Sugiyama and Katsuya Yamori
people with special needs, disaster prevention, evacuation drills
No.2 3 Vol.8
A New Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Japan Applicable up to M9 Mega-Earthquake
Nobuyuki Morikawa and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
ground motion prediction equation, the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake, seismic hazard assessment
No.3 - Vol.18
Rapid Estimation of Direct Economic Losses Caused by Significant Earthquakes: An Evidence-Based Model and its Applications
Toshihisa Toyoda, Qinglin Cui, Masaki Ikeda, Hiromitsu Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara
direct economic damage, real-time estimation, seismic intensity scale, existing physical stocks, tsunami effect
No.4 - Vol.18
Public Evaluation of the Reconstruction and Regeneration of Fukushima 10 Years After the Earthquake
Tetsuya Nakamura, Steven Lloyd, Atsushi Maruyama, and Satoru Masuda
Fukushima NPP, Great East Japan Earthquake, reconstruction policy, Fukushima Innovation Coast Initiative Framework, community assessment
No.5 - Vol.18
Co-Evolution Framework Between Humans and Simulations: Planning Post-Disaster Restoration of a Water Distribution Network
Shunichi Tada, Kento Wakayama, Taro Kanno, Yuji Kawase, and Kazuo Furuta
knowledge management, simulation-based training, simulation-based optimization, disaster response, water distribution networks
No.6 4 Vol.17
Alternatives for the Marshall Islands to Cope with the Anticipated Sea Level Rise by Climate Change
Mikiyasu Nakayama, Ryo Fujikura, Rie Okuda, Mai Fujii, Ryuta Takashima, Tomoya Murakawa, Erika Sakai, and Hiroaki Iwama
atoll country, climate change adaptation, Marshall Islands, migration, sea level rise
No.7 9 Vol.1
Seismic Design Codes for Buildings in Japan
Hiroshi Kuramoto
the Building Standard Law of Japan, seismic design code, two-phase earthquake design, performance based earthquake design
No.8 7 Vol.18
Risk Communication During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Era of Social Media
Changchun Feng and Kabilijiang Umaier
COVID-19, emergency management, social media, risk communication
No.9 15 Vol.12
Exploring Elements of Disaster Prevention Consciousness: Based on Interviews with Anti-disaster Professionals
Miki Ozeki, Kan Shimazaki, and Taiyoung Yi
anti-disaster consciousness
No.9 8 Vol.7
Tsunami Evacuation Simulation for Disaster Education and City Planning
Yozo Goto, Muzailin Affan, Agussabti, Yudha Nurdin, Diyah K. Yuliana, and Ardiansyah
tsunami, evacuation, simulation, multiagent model, disaster education
No.9 3 Vol.17
Development of Tsunami Disaster Risk Reduction Education Program for Children with No Experience of Earthquake Disaster – Practice and Verification at Shichigahama Town, Miyagi Prefecture
Toshimitsu Nagata, Masaki Ikeda, Reo Kimura, and Takashi Oda
Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, disaster risk reduction education, instructional design (ID), ICT education
No.10 11 Vol.17
Late Holocene Tephrostratigraphy at Chokai Volcano, Northern Japan, and Contribution to Hazard Assessment
Tsukasa Ohba, Shintaro Hayashi, Masao Ban, Takumi Imura, Yusuke Minami, and Masahiro Endo
trench survey, tephra, ash componentry, eruption scenarios
No.10 7 Vol.17
Effects of Urban Development on Regional Climate Change and Flood Inundation in Jakarta, Indonesia
Bambang Adhi Priyambodoho, Shuichi Kure, Nurul Fajar Januriyadi, Mohammad Farid, Alvin Christopher Galang Varquez, Manabu Kanda, and So Kazama
flood inundation model, Indonesia, Jakarta, climate change, urban development
No.10 - Vol.18
Modeling and Simulation of In-Hospital Disaster Medicine in a Mass Casualty Event for the Resilience Evaluation of BCPs
Mizuki Umemoto, Shunsuke Kadono, Taro Kanno, Kazumi Kajiyama, Sachika Sharikura, Ryoko Ikari, Masashi Yoneyama, and Sheuwen Chuang
disaster prevention, earthquake, business continuity planning (BCP), mass casualty incident

Count period : February 1-28, 2023

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Last updated on Feb. 13, 2025