
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Nov. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.15
Flood Inundation Mapping of the Hitachi Region in the Kuji River Basin, Japan, During the October 11–13, 2019 Extreme Rain Event
Shakti P. C., Kohin Hirano, and Satoshi Iizuka
extreme rainfall, flood inundation mapping, embankment, hydrological modeling, Typhoon Hagibis
No.2 2 Vol.15
Generation of Risk Information Based on Comprehensive Real-Time Analysis of Flooding and Landslide Disaster Occurrence Hazard and Social Vulnerability
Hiroaki Sano, Yuichiro Usuda, Ichiro Iwai, Hitoshi Taguchi, Ryohei Misumi, and Haruo Hayashi
real time, risk, geographic information system (GIS), flood, landslide
No.3 5 Vol.15
Flood Management in the Context of Climate and Land-Use Changes and Adaptation Within the Chao Phraya River Basin
Supattra Visessri and Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit
flood, flood management, Chao Phraya, climate change, land-use change
No.4 10 Vol.15
A Stakeholder Analysis Approach for Area Business Continuity Management: A Systematic Review
Sansanee Sapapthai, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, Akira Kodaka, Chatpan Chintanapakdee, Eri Ino, and Kenji Watanabe
stakeholder analysis, disaster management, area-business continuity management (Area-BCM), business continuity management (BCM), SWOT analysis
No.4 7 Vol.15
Business Continuity Management: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review Based on ScienceDirect Database
Kananut Charoenthammachoke, Natt Leelawat, Jing Tang, and Akira Kodaka
BCM, business continuity management, systematics literature review
No.5 12 Vol.15
The Disaster-Management Capabilities of Local Governments: A Case Study in Indonesia
Danang Insita Putra and Mihoko Matsuyuki
local governmental capability, disaster management, municipality, structural equation modeling
No.5 15 Vol.15
Assessment of Natural Disaster Coping Capacity from Social Capital Perspectives: A Case Study of Bangkok
Sutee Anantsuksomsri and Nij Tontisirin
coping capacity, social capital, principal component analysis, Bangkok

Count period : November 1-30, 2020

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