
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, May. 2020

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 9 Vol.15
The Advancement of Research on Inland Earthquake Generation 2014–2018
Satoshi Matsumoto, Tomomi Okada, Toshiko Terakawa, Makoto Uyeshima, and Yoshihisa Iio
inland earthquake, seismogenic field, crustal response, earthquake and volcano hazard reduction research
No.2 10 Vol.15
An Investigation of Socioeconomic and Land Use Influence on Car Ownership in Yangon City
Thiri Aung, Kyaing, Ko Ko Lwin, and Yoshihide Sekimoto
car ownership, socioeconomic factors, land use, multinomial logit model, disaggregate level
No.3 2 Vol.15
Evaluation of Phenomena Preceding Earthquakes and Earthquake Predictability
Masao Nakatani
earthquake predictability, forecast, probability gain, precursor, trigger
No.4 5 Vol.15
Integrated Study on Forecasting Volcanic Hazards of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Masato Iguchi, Haruhisa Nakamichi, and Takeshi Tameguri
Sakurajima volcano, Vulcanian eruption, Plinian eruption, forecasting volcanic ash, evacuation plan
No.5 10 Vol.15
Main Results from the Program Promotion Panel for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes
Kazushige Obara and Takuya Nishimura
subduction zone earthquake, slow earthquake, intraslab earthquake, infrequent huge earthquake

Count period : May 1-31, 2020

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