
JDR Most Downloaded Papers, Jun. 2019

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 - Vol.14
Development of a Data Sharing System for Japan Volcanological Data Network
Hideki Ueda, Taishi Yamada, Takahiro Miwa, Masashi Nagai, and Takanori Matsuzawa
database, volcano observation, seismometer, GNSS, visualization tools
No.2 - Vol.14
Significance of Electromagnetic Surveys at Active Volcanoes: Toward Evaluating the Imminence of Wet Eruptions
Takeshi Hashimoto, Wataru Kanda, Yuichi Morita, Midori Hayakawa, Ryo Tanaka, Hiroshi Aoyama, and Makoto Uyeshima
Kuttara volcano, magnetotellurics, wet eruptions, unrest phenomena
No.2 1 Vol.13
Scientific Communication
Solving the Puzzle of the September 2018 Palu, Indonesia, Tsunami Mystery: Clues from the Tsunami Waveform and the Initial Field Survey Data
Abdul Muhari, Fumihiko Imamura, Taro Arikawa, Aradea R. Hakim, and Bagus Afriyanto
earthquake and tsunami, Palu, field survey, disaster science
No.3 2 Vol.14
Scientific Communication
The 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake and its Aftermath
Hiroaki Takahashi and Reo Kimura
the 2018 Hokkaido Eastern Iburi Earthquake, JMA seismic intensity 7, multiple landslides, liquefaction, blackout
No.4 3 Vol.13
Scientific Communication
Coastal Subsidence Induced Several Tsunamis During the 2018 Sulawesi Earthquake
Taro Arikawa, Abdul Muhari, Yoshihiro Okumura, Yuji Dohi, Bagus Afriyanto, Karina Aprilia Sujatmiko, and Fumihiko Imamura
earthquake, tsunami, Sulawesi, field survey, subsidence
No.5 11 Vol.12
Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure Beneath Japanese Islands and Surroundings Based on NIED Seismic Networks Using both Inland and Offshore Events
Makoto Matsubara, Hiroshi Sato, Kenji Uehira, Masashi Mochizuki, and Toshihiko Kanazawa
seismic tomography, failed rift, offshore event, NIED S-net

Count period : June 1-30, 2019

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