
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Apr. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 2 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 6 Vol.18
High-Efficiency Polishing of Polymer Surface Using Catalyst-Referred Etching
Daisetsu Toh, Kodai Takeda, Kiyoto Kayao, Yuji Ohkubo, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Yasuhisa Sano
polymer polishing, catalyst-referred etching (CARE), polycarbonate (PC), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP)
No.2 4 Vol.13
Review of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for 3D Metal Printing
Johnnie Liew Zhong Li, Mohd Rizal Alkahari, Nor Ana Binti Rosli, Rafidah Hasan, Mohd Nizam Sudin, and Faiz Redza Ramli
wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), 3D printing, additive manufacturing (AM), welding, fused deposition modeling (FDM)
No.3 6 Vol.18
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for IoT-Driven Multivariate Time Series on Moringa Leaf Extraction
Kurnianingsih, Retno Widyowati, Achmad Fahrul Aji, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Takenori Obo, and Naoyuki Kubota
moringa leaf extraction, IoT, unsupervised anomaly detection, multivariate time series
No.4 6 Vol.18
Ultrasonic-Assisted Grinding of Microholes Using Ultrasmall-Diameter Cemented WC Tools
Kai Egashira, Ryota Honda, Keishi Yamaguchi, and Minoru Ota
grinding, microhole, ultrasmall-diameter tool, ultrasonic assistance, cemented WC
No.5 6 Vol.18
In Situ Evaluation of Drill Wear Using Tool Image Captured on Machining Center
Tatsuya Furuki, Tomoki Nagai, Koichi Nishigaki, Takashi Suda, and Hiroyuki Kousaka
drilling, drill wear, ceramic, image analysis
No.6 13 Vol.6
Indirect Measurement of Volumetric Accuracy for Three-Axis and Five-Axis Machine Tools: A Review
Soichi Ibaraki and Wolfgang Knapp
volumetric accuracy, indirect measurement, machine tools, kinematic model
No.7 11 Vol.18
Experimental In-Situ Observatory on Brownian Motion Behavior of 105 nm Sized Silica Particles During Chemical Mechanical Polishing of 4H-SiC by an Evanescent Field
Thitipat Permpatdechakul, Panart Khajornrungruang, Keisuke Suzuki, Aran Blattler, and Jiraphan Inthiam
nano-particle, polishing phenomena, wet process, evanescent wave, silicon carbide (SiC)
No.8 15 Vol.18
Effects of Mosquito-Imitated Microneedle’s Reciprocating Rotations on Puncture Resistance Forces—Evaluations by Puncturing Experiments and Nonlinear FEM Analyses—
Akira Mizutsu, Yuki Okumura, Atsushi Ueda, Shunki Yamamoto, Tomokazu Takahashi, Masato Suzuki, Seiji Aoyagi, Toshio Nagashima, Makoto Chiyonobu, Hideki Nishikawa, Fumio Sudo, Toshiyuki Ohdaira, and Satoshi Seshimo
microneedle, mosquito, nonlinear FEM analysis, puncture experiment, reciprocating rotation
No.8 12 Vol.18
Investigation of Drilling Holes in CFRP for Aircraft Using cBN Electroplated Ball End Mill Using Helical Interpolation Motion
Sora Hamamoto, Toshiki Hirogaki, Eiichi Aoyama, Kazuna Fujiwara, and Masashi Taketani
CFRP, cBN electroplated ball end mill, helical interpolation motion, drilling hole, delamination
No.8 5 Vol.18
On-Machine Calibration of Pitch Deviations of a Linear Scale Grating by Using a Differential Angle Sensor
Jiucheng Wu, Yifang Hong, Dong Wook Shin, Ryo Sato, Lue Quan, Hiraku Matsukuma, and Wei Gao
on-machine, linear scale grating, laser autocollimation, pitch deviation measurement
No.8 14 Vol.17
Technique for Introducing Internal Defects with Arbitrary Sizes and Locations in Metals via Additive Manufacturing and Evaluation of Fatigue Properties
Kazuyuki Morishita, Taichi Yamaguchi, Kentaro Wada, and Junichiro Yamabe
additive manufacturing, metal fatigue, internal defect, steel, X-ray CT
No.8 9 Vol.16
Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives
Lei Zhou and Jingjie Wu
magnetic levitation, mechatronics, actuators, precision motion systems, precision positioning
No.9 14 Vol.18
Leaf Reconstruction Based on Gaussian Mixture Model from Point Clouds of Leaf Boundaries and Veins
Yukie Nagai and Hikaru Tanaya
leaves, point clouds, surface mesh, Gaussian mixture model, implicit functions
No.9 16 Vol.18
Study on Temporary Unloading for Chatter Vibration Suppression Using Fixed Superabrasive Polishing Stone with Five-Joint Closed-Link Small Robot and Voice Coil Motor Thrust Control
Yuki Manabe, Taichi Yamamoto, Taichi Ueda, Toshiki Hirogaki, and Eiichi Aoyama
polishing, glass polishing, fixed polishing stone, chatter vibration suppression
No.9 19 Vol.6
Flow Analysis in Pipe of a Manifold Block
Osamu Abe, Tetsuhiro Tsukiji, Takeshi Hara, and Kazutoshi Yasunaga
manifold block, pipe flow, CFD, pressure drop, cavitation
No.10 13 Vol.18
A Discrete-Event Simulation Study of Multi-Objective Sales and Operation Planning Under Demand Uncertainty: A Case of the Ethiopian Automotive Industry
Yigedeb Abay, Toshiya Kaihara, and Daisuke Kokuryo
sales and operation planning, supply chain planning, multi-objective, discrete-event simulation, Ethiopian automotive industry
No.10 17 Vol.17
Shell Forming for Improving Additional Cutting Properties of Additively Manufactured Parts
Hiroshi Sawano and Yasuhiro Kodama
additive manufacturing, shell forming, additional cutting, fused deposition modelling, surface characteristics
No.10 16 Vol.17
Inflatable Humanoid Cybernetic Avatar for Physical Human–Robot Interaction
Ryuma Niiyama, Masahiro Ikeda, and Young Ah Seong
soft robotics, inflatable robot, cybernetic avatar, physical human–robot interaction (pHRI)
No.10 10 Vol.16
An Analysis of Practices and Challenges for Plastic Recycling Industry in Malaysia
Ming Hui Tan, Meng Soon Chiong, Yoon-Young Chun, Kenichiro Tsukahara, and Kiyotaka Tahara
solid waste management, plastic waste, recycling, material flow analysis, Malaysia
No.10 19 Vol.16
Feasibility Study of EDM-Assisted Combined Turning for Unidirectional CFRP
Hidetake Tanaka, Yuta Fukada, and Ryuta Kuboshima
CFRP, electric discharge machining, uncut fiber, NC lathe
No.10 17 Vol.3
Monitoring and Control of Cutting Forces in Machining Processes: A Review
Atsushi Matsubara and Soichi Ibaraki
milling, cutting force, machining process monitoring, machining process control

Count period : April 1-30, 2024

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