
IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Dec. 2023

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 1 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 3 Vol.17
Anomalous Change Detection in Drilling Process Using Variational Autoencoder with Temperature Near Drill Edge
Haruhiko Suwa, Kazuya Oda, and Koji Murakami
anomalous change detection, drilling process, machine learning, variational autoencoder, temperature near drill edge
No.3 2 Vol.13
Review of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for 3D Metal Printing
Johnnie Liew Zhong Li, Mohd Rizal Alkahari, Nor Ana Binti Rosli, Rafidah Hasan, Mohd Nizam Sudin, and Faiz Redza Ramli
wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), 3D printing, additive manufacturing (AM), welding, fused deposition modeling (FDM)
No.4 19 Vol.16
Sensor-Integrated Tool for Self-Optimizing Single-Lip Deep Hole Drilling
Robert Wegert, Mohammad Alaa Alhamede, Vinzenz Guski, Siegfried Schmauder, and Hans-Christian Möhring
deep hole drilling, temperature, vibrations, sensors, microcontroller
No.5 13 Vol.3
Monitoring and Control of Cutting Forces in Machining Processes: A Review
Atsushi Matsubara and Soichi Ibaraki
milling, cutting force, machining process monitoring, machining process control
No.6 5 Vol.17
Estimation of Hardness and Residual Stress on End-Milled Surfaces Using Linear Regression Model
Hideyuki Fujii, Yukio Takahashi, Jiei Hodohara, Norikazu Suzuki, Yuki Yamada, Yasuhiro Imabeppu, and Naruhiro Irino
surface integrity, machined surface hardness, residual stress, tool wear, edge force coefficient
No.6 11 Vol.17
Digital Twin of Experience for Human–Robot Collaboration Through Virtual Reality
Tetsunari Inamura
digital twin, virtual reality, human–robot interaction, behavior change
No.6 19 Vol.16
Reduction of the Influence of Non-Repeatable Run-Out in X-Y Plane of Machining Surface
Yuta Showa and Hayato Yoshioka
NRRO, rolling bearing, excitation, spindle
No.6 18 Vol.12
Study of Femtosecond Laser Ablation Effect on Micro-Processing for 4H-SiC Substrate
Chengwu Wang, Syuhei Kurokawa, Julong Yuan, Li Fan, Huizong Lu, Zhe Wu, Weifeng Yao, Kehua Zhang, Yu Zhang, and Toshiro Doi
4H-SiC, femtosecond (fs) laser, surface morphology, pseudo-radical site, precision processing
No.7 7 Vol.16
Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives
Lei Zhou and Jingjie Wu
magnetic levitation, mechatronics, actuators, precision motion systems, precision positioning
No.8 4 Vol.17
Fabrication of Nano- and Micro-Structured PPy Electrode and its Application to Electroporation to Cell
Saki Amaki, Yohei Kato, Tomomi Sudo, Takahiro Kono, and Arata Kaneko
conductive polymer, polypyrrole, tissue engineering, electroporation, cell
No.8 19 Vol.17
Posture Optimization in Robot Machining with Kinematic Redundancy for High-Precision Positioning
Shingo Tajima, Satoshi Iwamoto, and Hayato Yoshioka
robot machining, path generation, industrial robot, kinematic redundancy, trajectory
No.8 9 Vol.17
Effect of Vibration Behavior in Low-Frequency Vibration Cutting on Surface Properties of Workpiece
Hiroyuki Kodama, Shota Matsuno, Naoyuki Shibata, and Kazuhito Ohashi
low-frequency vibration cutting, vibration behavior, surface roughness, cross-sectional curve
No.8 18 Vol.16
Action Research on a Locally Oriented Sustainable Product
Shota Tajima
social sustainability, locally oriented sustainable product, design thinking, action research
No.8 20 Vol.16
Effect of Types of Grinding Fluid on Grinding Characteristics of CMSX4
Tatsuki Ikari, Takayuki Kitajima, and Akinori Yui
grinding, nickel superalloy, grinding fluid
No.8 19 Vol.15
Forest Data Collection by UAV Lidar-Based 3D Mapping: Segmentation of Individual Tree Information from 3D Point Clouds
Taro Suzuki, Shunichi Shiozawa, Atsushi Yamaba, and Yoshiharu Amano
remote sensing, 3D point cloud, UAV, segmentation
No.8 18 Vol.15
Effect of Ultrafine Bubbles on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus During Sterilization of Machining Fluid
Hiroko Yamada, Kensuke Konishi, Keita Shimada, Masayoshi Mizutani, and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa
ultrafine bubbles, sterilization, water-soluble machining fluid, pseudomonas aeruginosa
No.9 14 Vol.17
Organosilicon-Based Thin Film Formation in Very High-Frequency Plasma Under Atmospheric Pressure
Afif Hamzens, Kento Kitamura, Shota Mochizuki, Leapheng Uon, Hiromasa Ohmi, and Hiroaki Kakiuchi
PECVD, atmospheric-pressure plasma, silicon, organosilicon source
No.9 2 Vol.17
Inflatable Humanoid Cybernetic Avatar for Physical Human–Robot Interaction
Ryuma Niiyama, Masahiro Ikeda, and Young Ah Seong
soft robotics, inflatable robot, cybernetic avatar, physical human–robot interaction (pHRI)
No.9 19 Vol.16
Influence of Agitator Shape on Characteristics and Grinding Efficiency of Attritor Mill
Chenzuo Ye, Yutaro Takaya, Yuki Tsunazawa, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, and Chiharu Tokoro
photovoltaic panel recycling, attritor mill, agitator shape, grinding kinetics, DEM simulation
No.10 2 Vol.17
Development of Additive Printing System Using Slant Direct-Drive Parallel Mechanism
Ryosuke Tawara, Chiaki Tanuma, and Yutaka Tanaka
additive manufacturing, 3D printing, parallel mechanism, material extrusion head, movable stage
No.10 19 Vol.17
Statistical and Artificial Intelligence Analyses of Blast Treatment Condition Effects on Blast-Assisted Injection Molded Direct Joining
Shuohan Wang, Fuminobu Kimura, Shuaijie Zhao, Eiji Yamaguchi, Yuuka Ito, Yukinori Suzuki, and Yusuke Kajihara
metal–plastic direct joining, injection molded direct joining, machine learning, blasting
No.10 - Vol.13
Ball Burnishing of Mg Alloy Using a Newly Developed Burnishing Tool with On-Machine Force Control
Chenyao Cao, Jiang Zhu, Tomohisa Tanaka, Fang-Jung Shiou, Shunichi Sawada, and Hayato Yoshioka
ball burnishing, magnesium alloys, CNC machining, surface property, force feedback control

Count period : December 1-31, 2023

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